Lectures at Potsdam University

Winter Semester:      Introduction to Climate Physics

Summer Semester:    Ice dynamics in Greenland and Antarctica

Contact me at ricarda.winkelmann[at]pik-potsdam.de to find out more!


Recipient of the E-learning Award 2017 by Potsdam University

Certificate: Senior Teaching Professional

In 2016, I completed the one-year 'Senior Teaching Professionals' program for Excellence in Teaching by Potsdam Graduate School
• Didactic training by experts in academic teaching practice
• Design of competence-oriented lectures and seminars
• Mentoring and teaching observations to evaluate lectures

Massive Open Online Course

Contribution of two units to MOOC "Climate Change - a question of justice?"
by Hagen University (Germany) and Lund University (Sweden)

Unit 1: Climate Change - Basic Facts
Unit 2: Sea-Level Rise

Check it out here!

Other courses

Colloquia and lecture series at Stanford University, Potsdam University, University of Bonn, Humboldt University of Berlin, Carnegie Institution for Science

Summer Academy 2016 in Roggenburg
by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Young Academy
Intensive course on Climate Change - Lessons from Natural and Social Sciences